Thursday, August 14, 2014


In case you're not aware, there are multiple versions of the Chrome browser available for use on your desktop or laptop. There is the completely stable version of Chrome, a Beta version that I've found to be very stable, and the Canary version, which you can think of as the Alpha version.

The advantage to using the Beta or Canary version is that you get some of the upcoming features in Chrome early and can provide feedback on their development. The trade off is that sometimes the features aren't fully debugged, and so, the browser might not always be reliable. There have been updates with Chrome Canary that I can hardly use it and have to wait for the next update.

However, I like to see what is coming and trying out stuff early. And the thing I noticed for the first time today (though it could have happened a few days ago and I never saw it) was the addition of a button in the top right that is supposed to make switching users easier.

When you click on it, you can add your other users' accounts, or perhaps you can have a work and personal account, which is why I'm so excited about this.

When you switch to the other user, it then opens a new window with the other user running, thus allowing you to have multiple instances of Chrome running but with different users. And lest you get confused as to which account is in which window, the task bar will let you see the difference.

At any rate, for those who have a work and personal gGoogle account, or where multiple users are using the same computer, this is a welcome addition to Chrome. Let's hope it makes it to the Beta and Release versions soon.

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